amphibians and reptiles

herpA painted turtle.

The term, herptiles (or just herps) collectively describes amphibians and reptiles. The name comes from a Greek word meaning to crawl—certainly, a reasonable catchall term for these little beasties.

Consequently, the word describing the study of these animals is herpetology. Given the counter–cultural mysticism found locally, one might guess that herpetology would be coupled with the word, institute, and appear in a classified ad offering either spiritually enlightenment or curative manipulation. Chuckle, it is nothing so quirky.

There are only five amphibians and six reptiles known to inhabit the southeast portion of British Columbia, but how many of these are found in the vicinity of the Lake isn't clear—probably most. The known amphibians are: Long-toed Salamander, Coeur d’Alene Salamander, Western Toad, Pacific Treefrog and the Columbia Spotted Frog. The known reptiles are: Painted Turtle, Western Skink, Northern Alligator Lizard, Rubber Boa, Common Garter Snake, Western Garter Snake.

   frogs and toads

There is useful information on local reptiles and amphibians on the Thompson Rivers University site: Reptiles of British Columbia.

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